Analytical Assessment and Forecasting of the Volume and Structure of Foreign Economic Activity in Ukraine


Serbina T.V.1,Sribnyi O.M.2


1. Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

2. Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kropyvnytskyi


At present, the problems of increasing the efficiency of foreign economic activity of enterprises are gaining special relevance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is the analytical assessment and development of forecasts of the volume and structure of foreign economic activity in Ukraine using economic and mathematical tools. The article established that forecasting as an effective tool for planning the foreign economic activities of enterprises allows for making informed management decisions when forming export strategies, identifying reserves for increasing the efficiency of the organization of international logistics activities, and optimizing the structure of export-import operations. This will contribute to the reduction of costs for foreign economic logistics activities and losses due to the optimization of flows and improvement of information support for their movement; increase in the quality of logistics service and the level of customer service, profitability from the sale of products and the level of competitiveness of enterprises on international sales markets. Keywords foreign economic activity, foreign trade, international logistics, customs logistics, customs policy, export policy, customs regime, transit regime, export, import, international economic partnership, cooperation, globalization, European integration.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine

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