Formation of Economic Approaches to Scientific Substantiation of Innovative Project Activities of Extracurricular Art Educational Institutions


Pasechnyk I. V. 1ORCID


1. Private institution of higher education “East European University named after Rauf Ablyazov”, Cherkasy


In the modern world, the development of art education requires the introduction of innovative approaches based on scientific justification and effective use of resources. The formation of economic approaches to the scientific substantiation of innovative project activity in extracurricular art educational institutions is considered. The key aspects of such approaches are explored, in particular, strategic planning, financial support, risk management, cooperation and partnership, evaluation of results and support of creative potential. It was determined that with the development of educational systems, special attention is paid to innovative approaches in art education. Special attention is paid to the formation of economic strategies for the scientific justification of innovative project activities in extracurricular art educational institutions. Based on the analysis of modern trends and best practices, conclusions have been drawn regarding effective strategies for the formation of economic approaches aimed at ensuring the successful implementation of innovative projects in the field of art education. Scientific developments are important for practitioners in the educational field, administrators and researchers of extracurricular art education institutions, as they provide a valuable contribution to the understanding of effective strategies for the development of art education through innovations that open up new opportunities for improving educational processes and improving the quality of education in this area.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine

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