Problems of Providing Regions of Ukraine with Labor as a Risk for Post-War Recovery


Antonyuk V.P.1ORCID


1. Institute of Industrial Economics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


The analysis of the volume and dynamics of the labor force of the regions of Ukraine for 2019-2021 is carried out, its decrease in all regions is noted. Such dynamics worsens the provision of labor resources to regional economies. The analysis showed that many enterprises had the problem of shortage of qualified personnel in working professions. It is exacerbated by a reduction in the volume of training in the vocational education system in all regions of Ukraine without exception. The current war in Ukraine has caused a huge loss of labor, its massive forced displacement to other regions and abroad, which has caused imbalances in the labor market and shortages of personnel. There is an aggravation of the problem of attracting skilled labor to enterprises, which will be an obstacle to the post-war recovery of many regions of Ukraine. Therefore, a national target program for providing the economy with highly skilled workers should be developed and implemented.


Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine

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