Conditions of rapid change force businesses to increase their competitiveness. To increase their competitiveness, businesses are trying to make human resources more effective and efficient as well as harmonizing their improved physical and financial opportunities. The fact that the employee is committed to the job with vigorous energy and dedication from the very first day is an indicator of the high level of work engagement. It is considered that a high level of engagement will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise by positively affecting the business’s overall performance. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the level of job engagement of employees in the manufacturing or service sector differs according to gender, age and seniority.. Within the scope of the study, a survey was conducted among employees in various companies, both located in the service and manufacturing sectors, to investigate the effect of the level of job engagement on the perceived business performance. As the results of the survey were analyzed positive relation was found between work engagement and business performance perceived by the employees but no significant difference between the manufacturing and service sectors. The research has been expanded to obtain whether there is a relationship between age, gender, and seniority, as well as the perceived business performance of the sectors employed and the level of work engagement. According to the results obtained, and the relationship between the level of work engagement and performance, it has been determined that the younger have higher work engagement and perceived business performance levels.
Trakya Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Building and Construction
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