1. Federal State Budgetary Institution "Federal Center for Animal Health Protection" (FGBI "VNIIZH")
The global problems of anthropogenic impact on the planet Earth and marine ecosystems, pollution in the 21st century of the World Ocean, including the Arctic seas, negatively affecting the reproduction of marine biological resources are considered. For more than half a century, the intensively developing exploitation of the bioresources of the World Ocean shelf has led to a de-crease in the number of mammals, fish, mollusks, crustaceans, algae and other valuable aquatic organisms. In many developed countries, due to economic activity and industrial pollution of coastal territories, there is a depression in the number and a de-crease in intraspecific diversity, due to the loss of populations of passing marine "wild" Atlantic salmon and other aquatic organ-isms. Since the late 1980s, natural Atlantic salmon stocks have declined significantly. In the main spawning rivers of the Mur-mansk region, the content of pollutants in the spring is marked on the scale as high and extremely high levels of pollution. The oxygen content and water quality in rivers decrease, the number of saprophytic bacteria increases, the species diversity of zoo-plankton and phytoplankton decreases. Diseases and death of populations of spawning Atlantic salmon occur. A program has been developed to comprehensively investigate the causes of mass disease and death of Atlantic salmon populations, and to de-velop measures to restore a genetically healthy salmon population in the Arctic region of Russia.
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