One of the effective ways to determine the catchability coefficients of fry seines


Matkovsky Andrey1


1. Tyumen branch of FGBNU "VNIRO"


One of the methods of conducting experimental work to determine the coefficient of catchability of juvenile seines in relation to different-sized whitefish juveniles is considered. The method is based on fencing off part of the water area with a business curtain. The positive aspects of the method are associated with the exclusion of the influence of emigration, immigration and natural mortality of fish, as well as with the possibility of using several methods for calculating the catch coefficient (accumulated catch, catch per effort, Leslie). The comparability of the results obtained by different methods is noted, improvement of calculations by the Leslie method taking into account natural mortality is proposed. The relatively high sensitivity of the Leslie method to the degree of overgrowth of the experimental site was revealed. In general, the catch coefficient decreases with the growth of juveniles, a decrease in the size of the fishing gear and an increase in the presence of macrophytes. It has been established that whitefish juveniles prefer to stay clean of aquatic vegetation with growth.




General Medicine

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