
Khorosheltseva Victoria1,Strizhakova Tatiana2,Mosesyan Georgiy2,Kerimova Anna3,Ivanova Elena3,Denisova Natalya4


1. Job: Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (FSBSI «VNIRO»), Azov-Black Sea Branch of the FSBSI «VNIRO» («AzNIIRKH») Studies: Southern Federal University

2. Azov-Black Sea branch of “VNIRO” (“AzNIIRKH”)

3. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (FSBSI «VNIRO»), Azov-Black Sea Branch of the FSBSI «VNIRO» («AzNIIRKH»)

4. Southern Federal University


The work is a summary of the literature data on the study of phylometroidosis, a helminthic disease of fish, the causative agent of which is the viviparous nematodes PhilometroideslusianaVismanis, 1966. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the disease belongs to the list of quarantine ones, therefore, as a result of the detection of the pathogen, restrictive measures are applied to the fish farm in order to prevent it further distribution. Nematodes have a mechanical and toxic effect on the body of fish: they injure the liver and kidney tissues, blood capillaries, swim bladder, and release toxins. In older fish, during the migration of the parasite, the skin is destroyed, ulcers may appear, after which the invasion may be complicated by the addition of pathogenic microflora (bacteria and fungi) circulating in the water. Anthelmintics are used to treat phylometroidosis.




General Medicine

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