Biological features of the spawning part of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar Linnaeus, 1758) population of the Northern Dvina river basin


Tortsev Alexey1


1. Northern department (SevPINRO) of the Polar branch of the FSBSI “VNIRO”


Salmon fishing in the lower reaches of the Northern Dvina River is based on the use of the spawning part of the Atlantic salmon population. Fisheries regulation measures are developed using knowledge of the biology of the species. Thus, the aim of the research is a comprehensive understanding of the biology of the spawning part of the salmon population in the Northern Dvina River basin based on the generalization of materials from commercial catches for the period 1931-2014. After feeding in the northeastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, adult salmon return to spawn at the age of 5+. The reproductive part of salmon populations is dominated by females. The average size and weight indicators of salmon making spawning migrations are 77,42 cm and 5,43 kg. It has been established that in the last decade of observations, the size and weight characteristics of the reproductive part of the Atlantic salmon populations in the Severodvinsk basin have stabilized. This allows us to conclude that there are effective measures to regulate the legal salmon fishery.




General Medicine

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