Testing of the nest-incubator of chum salmon roe (Oncorhynchus keta W.) in small rivers of the Sakhalin region


Efremov Denis1,Skorobogatov Mikhail2,Veselov Aleksei1


1. Institute of Biology Karelian Research Centre, Russian Academy of Science

2. Tver state technical university


The result of an extra factory method of reproduction of a chum (Oncorhynchus keta) is presented. The method is tested in small tributaries river Mulka (bass. The Sea of Okhotsk, Strait of Tartary) and in Savushkin's river (bass. Sea of Okhotsk, Second Kuril passage). The original devices representing the flattened container in which in 6 tiers incubatory modules with flutes for caviar are placed are used. The nest allows to incubate during the winter the impregnated caviar of salmon species of fish and to receive the durable larvae which are independently settled in a threshold of the river or forcibly taken from devices in pools in the spring. The device has the increased capacity for the incubated caviar to 10000 berries of a chum on the device, the volume method of loading of caviar in the device is applied, time of equipment and installation of a nest to the river doesn't exceed 15 minutes. In general efficiency of hatching of larvae has made 96%. An exit of larvae has averaged 42,5%. At insignificant completion the device can be used for restoration of number of a chum and other salmon species of fish in the small rivers where factory reproduction is for various reasons unprofitable.



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