Analysis of the impact of temperature changes on aquatic biological resources and the quality of their habitat on the example of the Black Sea


Tsarev Andrey1,Popova Elena1,Erina Oksana2


1. Central Directorate for Fisheries Expertise and Standards for the Conservation, Reproduction of Aquatic Biological Resources and Acclimatization

2. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The article provides a brief overview of the work devoted to the analysis of the current water quality standard for temperature. The article presents a retrospective analysis of the formation and development of the system of water quality regulation of water bodies both in Russia and abroad, an analysis of the regulatory legal framework governing the issue of establishing requirements for water quality standards. The analysis of stock data and literature sources on the study of the influence of temperature on the state of aquatic organisms, including ichthyofauna, is carried out. It was found that when approving the current temperature standard, no studies were conducted on marine ecosystems, and the peculiarities of the temperature regime of the southern seas were not taken into account. In order to develop reasonable proposals on the need to adjust the temperature standard, a program of integrated marine research in the Black Sea has been developed.




General Medicine

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