Efficiency of use of saline solution at the artificial insemination of eggs of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Waibaum, 1972) and Ladoga lake palia Salvelinus alpinus lepechini (Gmelin, 1788)


Shindavina Nina1,Moseev Aleksandr2,Nikandrov Vladimir1


1. Federal Selection and Genetic Center for Fish Culture «Ropsha» (FSGCFC branch of FGBU “Glavrybvod”)

2. Federal Center for Fish Genetics and Selection (branch of FGBU “Glavrybvod”)


In order to increase the level of fertilization of eggs, the effect of buffer solution on sperm activity and the effectiveness of its use as a medium for insemination eggs of rainbow trout which was grown in conditions of flowing water and in recirculation aquaculture system (RAS), as well as Ladoga palia, were tested. In male trout and palia, the number of motile spermatozoa and their activity were higher in solution than in water. In trout which was grown in running water, the percentage of eggs fertilization increased significantly when use solution only in cases when the eggs were contaminated with the contents of burst eggs. In fish grown in the RAS, the replacement of water with a buffer solution increased the level of fertilization in all test variants, regardless of the presence or absence of contamination of the eggs. In Ladoga palia, the result of insemination was the same in water and in solution.




General Medicine

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