The influence of abiotic factors on the productivity indicators of A. var. Principalis in aquaculture


Lyubomirova Vaseline1,Romanova Elena1,Romanov Vasily1,Fazilov Ehler1


1. Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin


The work is devoted to the study of the influence of abiotic factors, primarily the salinity level on the productivity of artemia in aquaculture in situ. The problem is relevant, since in the last decade there has been an increase in global aquaculture production by 35%, which has led to an increase in the need for artemia cysts and the nauplia obtained from them. Due to the shortage on the world market of artemia cysts extracted in natural ecosystems and their high cost, there is a need to improve the methods of cultivating artemia in a closed cycle in an artificial ecosystem – in aquaculture. To develop effective methods of cultivating artemia in situ, it is important to know the production and morphological indicators of different types of artemia and its races in an artificially created environment. It is known that there is a wide ecological valence of the reproductive function of artemia in relation to varying environmental factors. One of the most important factors determining the reproductive potential of artemia is the salinity of the environment. The level of salinity of water has a great influence on the productivity of artemia crustaceans, both in the natural environment and in aquaculture. The aim of our study was to assess the reproductive potential of artemia and optimize the salinity of the environment to increase the reproductive potential in conditions of artificial breeding in situ. The results of the study showed that with an increase in the concentration of salt in the solution for the cultivation of the available artemia race – A. var. Principalis, – the proportion of synchronously fruiting females increased. When studying the absolute fertility of artemia, it was shown that an increase in the salinity level of the habitat at the reproductive age of females makes it possible to increase their absolute fertility when growing in a closed cycle in aquaculture.




General Medicine

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