Southern reed in feed for pond herbivorous fish: ecological, social, economic effects


Skokov Roman1,Randelin Dmitry2,Soloviev Alexander2,Sejdaliev Tlek2


1. Volzhsky Institute of Economics, Pedagogy and Law (VIEPL), Volgograd State Agricultural University (FSBEI HE Volgograd SAU)"

2. Volgograd State Agricultural University (FSBEI HE Volgograd SAU)"


The article presents the directions of environmentally sound management of the biomass of the southern reed based on its use as the main component of feed for herbivorous fish. The formulation and technology of three types of feed for herbivorous fish grown in ponds based on southern cane has been developed; it is proposed to remove the rapidly renewable biomass of southern cane from water bodies and use it in feed production, rather than dispose of it as Class V waste; the production of feed based on southern cane at a feed mill at a price of 25 rubles/kg has been tested; the effectiveness of feed based on southern cane in feeding herbivorous fish in pond farming conditions has been proven; practical recommendations on feeding for fish farms have been developed and the popularization of an intensive method of growing and culture of feeding herbivorous fish with feed based on southern cane. The involvement of the southern cane in feed production will allow to obtain a comprehensive socio-economic effect, consisting in the formation of a new market of raw materials for the production of feed, cleaning of agricultural lands and reservoirs from uncontrolled thickets, reducing fire danger, increasing the production of marketable fish available to the population due to the transition from extensive to intensive method of cultivation, the development of feed production.




General Medicine

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