
Vasyukova Anna1,Moskalenko Alexandra2,Edwards Anatoly2


1. Moscow State University of Technologies and Management

2. Russian Biotechnological University


The level of scientific and technical literature related to the research topic is analyzed. Unexplored areas in the technique and technology of baked fish and vegetable products have been identified. In the process of research, the issues of combining lean fish species with products of animal and vegetable origin, mutually complementing the amino acid composition of the finished product, were considered. The main raw material for the manufacture of cutlets, soufflé, scrambled eggs and casseroles was fresh-frozen pollock fish with the addition of vegetable powders: sublimated dill, parsley and paprika, and onion, orange and yellow carrots, milk, butter and chicken eggs were used as vegetable and animal raw materials. . For heat treatment, sparing methods and modes of heat treatment were chosen: baking in a combi oven in the “steam” and “heat” modes. Based on the modeling of the components of the recipe, taking into account their biological value, new taste qualities of soufflé, casserole and scrambled eggs stuffed with the addition of powdered additives and vegetables that perform an additional structuring role were obtained. Soufflé, scrambled eggs and casserole prepared according to the traditional recipe available in the regulatory documentation were used as control. The dependences of raw and heat-treated products and their influence on the structure of soufflé and scrambled eggs are revealed. The sensory characteristics of new dishes were obtained, taking into account the processing in a combi steamer. The parameters of technological processes during baking in the "steam" and "heat" modes at a temperature of 180-200 ° C were established. The dependences of milk, eggs and butter on the binding components of the recipe - rice flour and powdered vegetable additives - were revealed. The resulting model composition of the recipes meets the requirements, regulatory documentation and consumer preferences. Comparative analysis of the content of essential amino acids in the developed products "Fish soufflé", "Fish baked with egg and milk sauce", "Smile stuffed omelette" and "Baked pollock cutlets" showed that the content of such amino acids as leucine, lysine, threonine , their phenylalanine is slightly higher than the control sample. They are characterized by a high content of essential amino acids that limit the biological value, g / 100 g of the product: lysine - 0.213-1.708; methionine - 0.104-0.570; tryptophan - 0.057-0.202.




General Medicine

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