Blue king crab Paralithodes platypus is a popular object of crab fishing in the north–western part of the Sea of Okhotsk (in the North Okhotsk subzone)


Klinushkin Sergey1,Metelyov Evgeniy2,Smirnov Andrey3,Kharitonov Alexander4


1. Magadan branch of FGBNU VNIRO (MagadanNIRO)

2. Magadan branch of FSBI «VNIRO» («MagadanNIRO»)

3. Russian Federal Research Institute of Fisheries and Oceanography (VNIRO), Northeastern State University (SVGU); Dagestan State University (DSU)

4. Khabarovsk branch of VNIRO Federal State Budgetary Institution ("Khabarovsk NIRO")


The history of the study and fishing, the main biological indicators of the blue king crab Paralithodes platypus, living in the north-western part of the Sea of Okhotsk, are considered. Based on the materials collected in 2003-2022, the course of fishing and catching of this crab is analyzed. It is shown that the prospects of industrial development of this valuable object in the coming years do not cause concerns.




General Medicine

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