Katav-Ivanovsk earthquake on 04.09.2018, mb=5.4 (Urals)


Dyagilev Ruslan1ORCID,Verkholantsev Filipp1,Varlashova Yuliya2,Shulakov Denis2,Gabsatarova Irina1ORCID,Epifanskiy Aleksey1





The article summarizes the instrumental and macroseismic data obtained in the area of Katav-Ivanovsk earthquake, which occurred on September 4, 2018, in Chelyabinsk region, Russia. The earthquake was the strongest instrumentally recorded earthquake in the Urals (mb=5.4) and at the same time, it had the most seismic intensity among other earthquakes in Russia in 2018 (I0=6 points). The uniqueness of this event was given by the fact that after it for the first time for the Urals the aftershock process was recorded, the active stage of which lasted more than 1 year. Like the mainshock, some aftershocks had a significant macroseismic effect. The work contains the results of studies that allowed to determine the exact coordinates of the epicenter in conditions of lack of near stations using the relative location technique. New processing approaches also made it possible to estimate the depth of the focus through a function of phase spectrum matching. Finally, a considerable amount of macroseismic data formed the basis of the macroseismic field map.


Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences - GS RAS

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