
Malyanova L.1,Gabsatarova Irina1ORCID


1. Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Dynamic sources parameters of 21 earthquakes of the North Caucasus for 2014 with КР=9.5–11.5, determined from 44 S-wave amplitude spectra are analyzed. Records of three regional digital seismic stations, “Anapa”, “Kislovodsk” and “Sochi”, located no more than 300 km from the sources are used. For the environment near these stations, the values of the frequency-dependent Q-factor, necessary for recalculating the station spectra to the focal ones, were obtained earlier by O.V. Pavlenko. In 2014, the majority of earthquakes studied were located in the Eastern Caucasus. The dependence between log M0 and КР for this zone was constructed using the data for 2010–2013. Compared to the similar equation for the entire Caucasus (Riznichenko et all., 1976), this dependence is in a good agreement with respect to the free term, but differs by the slope.


Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences - GS RAS

Reference17 articles.

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