Gabsatarova I.1ORCID, Assinovskaya B.2ORCID, Baranov S.1ORCID, Karpinsky V.3, Konechnaya Ya.1, Munirova L.1, Nadezhka L.4, Nikulin V.5, Noskova N.2, Petrov S.1, Pivovarov S.6, Sanina I.6
1. Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences 2. Kola Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Apatity 3. N. Laverov Federal Center for Integrated Arctic Research of RAS, Arkhangelsk; Geophysical Survey of RAS, Arkhangelsk 4. Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Center, Riga 5. IG Komi Scientific Center Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar 6. Institute of Dynamics of Geospheres of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
It is reported that 41 stationary seismic stations, 2 arrays, and 7 temporary seismic stations, located in the area of Novovoronezh and Kursk nuclear stations, monitored seismicity of the Russian territory of the East European Platform (EEP) in 2015. The registration capabilities of the seismic network at the EEP as
a whole were estimated based on the average station noise level and the equation for the energy decay of seismic phases. Zones with the best capabilities have been allocated. A feature of seismicity in 2015 is the manifestation of earthquakes of moderate magnitudes (ML=2.7–3.9) in the peripheral regions (in the southwest, west, and northwest) and in zones associated with paleorift structures: in the southwest – with the Dnieper Donetsk and in the northeast – with the Kirov-Kazhim and Soligalich (Central Russian) aulacogenes. The results of the macroseismic survey are given for the earthquake in Poltava on February 2, 2015, with M=3.7; focal mechanisms of two earthquakes (03.02.2015 and 12.06.2015) are constructed. According to the data of the Latvian Center, an earthquake was recorded in the region of Lithuania bordering the Kaliningrad region. Weaker natural seismicity with ML≤2.5 was recorded in Karelia and the regions bordering with Finland, near the Kandalaksha Bay, near the Khibiny, and Lovozersky massifs on the Kola Peninsula, and on the territory of the Voronezh crystalline massif.
Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences - GS RAS
Reference32 articles.
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