Geology of the Maizuru and Obama districts, Southwest Japan:


Kametaka Masao1,Sugamori Yoshiaki2,Ishida Naoto3,Matsui Kazuo4,Kishimoto Hiroki1,Umeda Takayuki4,Higashi Atsuyoshi1,Yamane Hiroshi1,Sugimori Tatsuji1,Uozumi Seiji1,Nagata Takahiro1,Matsuba Koji1,Kuwajima Yasue1,Iwamori Akiyuki5,Kanaya Kensei5


1. Dia Consultants Co. Ltd.

2. Department of Life and Environmental Agricultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University

3. Department of management of Social Systems and Civil Engineering, Graduate School of Engeneering, Tottori University

4. Dia Consultants Co. Ltd. (retired)

5. Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc.


The Geological Society of Japan


General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Engineering,General Environmental Science

Reference135 articles.

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