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2. 天野一男, 2008, 棚倉地域.日本地質学会編, 日本地方地質誌3, 関東地方, 朝倉書店, 206–214. [Amano, K., 2008, Tanakura area. In Geological Society of Japan, ed., Regional Geology of Japan, Vol. 3, Kanto Region, Asakura Publ., 206–214.] English translation from the original written in Japanese.
3. 天野一男, 2018, 創立125周年記念特集:グリーンタフ・ルネサンス.地質雑, 124, 779. [Amano, K., 2018, Special Issue: Greentuff Renaissance. J. Geol. Soc. Japan, 124, 779.]
4. 天野一男・松原典孝・及川敦美・滝本春南・細井 淳, 2011, 棚倉断層の新第三紀テクトニクスと火山活動・堆積作用.地質雑, 117, S69–S87. [Amano, K., Matsubara, N., Oikawa, A., Takimoto, H. and Hosoi, J., 2011, Neogene volcanism and sedimentation related to the tectonics of the Tanakura Fault, Japan. J. Geol. Soc. Japan, 117, S69–S87.]
5. Anderson, E. M., 1951, The Dynamics of Faulting and Dyke Formation with Applications to Britain. Oliver and Boyd Ltd., Edinburgh, 206p.