1. 甘利俊一・金谷健一(Amari, S. and K. Kanatani), 1987, 線形代数(Linear Algebra).講談社(Kodansha Co.), 276p. English translation from the original written in Japanese.
2. Aris, R., 1962, Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 286p.
3. Flinn, D., 1962, On folding during three-dimensional progressive deformation. Quat. Jour. Geol. Soc. London, 118, 385–433.
4. Fossen, H., 2010, Structural Geology. Cambridge Univ. Press, 463p.
5. 深谷賢治(Fukaya, K.), 2004, 双曲幾何(Hyperbolic Geometry).岩波書店(Iwanami Shoten), 167p. English translation from the original written in Japanese.