Chastota perelomov proksimal'nogo otdela bedrennoykosti sredi zhiteley goroda Ufy (retrospektivnoeepidemiologicheskoe issledovanie)


Nurlygayanov R. Z.,Khafizov N. Kh.,Fayzullin A. A.


City Clinical Hospital №21, Ufa The aim of the present study was to determine the incidence of proximal hip fracture in minimal trauma during the period from 2000 to 2005 in persons aged 50 years or more living in Ufa. The information was obtained from the medical documentation of City Clinical Hospital № 13 of Ufa and Republican administration of statistics of Rosstat. There're 7 districts in Ufa the population of Kalinin district is 195 722, the population of the city is 1036026. People living in one of the Ufa's biggest districts - Kalinin district who had proximal hip fracture (medial and lateral fractures of neck of femur, ICD-820) from 2000 to 2005 were chosen as the objects of the study. The results were expressed as incidence per 100 000 persons. The overall incidence of the fractures was 129,8, 123,1 in men and 133,9 in women, the overall incidence of the fractures in minimal trauma - 124,4, 110,5 in men and 133,6 in women (in regards to the general number of fractures it was 89% and 99% correspondingly). The F:M ratio was 1,2. The study showed that the incidence of all types of hip fracture in men was significantly increasing, including in minimal trauma. We also found the increase of hip fracture incidence with age. The results of the retrospective analysis of the hip fracture incidence during the period from 2000 to 2005 showed that Ufa was the city with moderate incidence of the fractures.


Endocrinology Research Centre


Automotive Engineering

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