This review of the literature has been dedicated to experimental and clinical studies of mechanism of action and efficacy of 1—34 amino acid fragment of parathyroid hormone — teriparatide as well as others contries experience of its prescribtion. Teriparatide is an osteoanabolic agent which stimulates bone formation by affecting bone modeling and by stimulating bone remodeling. The effects on modeling lead to increased bone formation whereas the effects on bone remodeling lead to increased bone turnover. Thus, in its mode of action teriparatide differs from all others medicines currently available to treat osteoporosis. Daily subcutaneous injections of teriparatide are proved to be effective to prevent low-traumatic vertebral and non-vertebral fractures in postmenopausal women with the history of vertebral fractures. Teriparatide is effective to treat osteoporosis in male and even more effective than alendronate to treat glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis. Due to high cost and some restriction related to the duration of therapy (up to 18 months in Russia and 24 months in others countries) teriparatide should be recommended to treat severe osteoporosis in patients with a history >1 moderate clinical vertebral fracture or two or more vertebral fragility fractures or in case the previous treatment was not effective. Teriparatide should be prescribed after bisphosphonates or other antiosteoporotic treatment, but not in the combination with bisphosphonates. The prescribtion of bisphosphonates after teriparatide is effective to maintaine and further improve the effect. Thus, teriparatide is effective to treat severe osteoporosis and osteoporosis resistant to other therapy.
Endocrinology Research Centre
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2 articles.