Quality of life in patients with hyperparathyroidism before and after surgical treatment


Ilyicheva E. A.1ORCID,Bersenev G. A.1ORCID,Roy T. A.2ORCID


1. Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology; Irkutsk Regional Clinical Hospital

2. Irkutsk Scientific Centre of Surgery and Traumatology


BACKGROUND: Hyperparathyroidism (HPT) is a syndrome characterized by excessive synthesis of parathyroid hormone (PTH), an imbalance of phosphorus-calcium metabolism, and damage to target organs. Radical treatment of any clinical variant of HPT is surgical. In this regard, the assessment of the quality of life (QoL) of patients before and after surgery is an indicator that reflects the impact of the disease on the patient’s health and the effectiveness of the treatment.AIM: To study QoL of patients with various clinical variants of HPT before and after surgical treatment.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The single-center prospective study included patients operated on for primary (PHPT), secondary (SHPT) and tertiary HPT in 2019–2021. A comparison was made of preand postoperative QoL indicators with a sample comparable in sex and age from residents of the Irkutsk region.RESULTS: The study included 100 patients, of which 13 had multiple lesions of the parathyroid glands (PTG) and 51 with solitary lesions in PHPT, 34 with SHPT and 2 with SHPT. Indicators QoL of patients with HPT before surgery is statistically significantly lower than in the region. The greatest decrease in QoL was found in the group of patients with multiple PTG lesions in PHPT. Improvement in QoL was achieved in 90% of the studied patients. Despite the identified complications, there was an improvement in QoL after surgery in case of achieving remission of the disease. Persistence of the disease is an outcome that does not allow for a statistically significant improvement in QoL after surgery for any type of HPT. Deterioration of QoL according to some indicators was found in 10% of patients. In patients with solitary PTG lesions in PHPT, deterioration in QoL is associated with postoperative hypocalcemia against the background of the «hungry bones» syndrome, and in patients with SHPT with a decrease in parathyroid hormone below population indicators.CONCLUSION: The study demonstrates QoL of patients with various clinical variants of hyperparathyroidism before and after surgical treatment. The dynamics of QoL indicators depending on the nosology, volume, duration, outcome and complications of operations is shown.


Endocrinology Research Centre








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