Організаційно-педагогічні конструкти процесу формування професійної компетентності майбутніх учителів історії під час вивчення фахових дисциплін


Пустовіт ГригорійORCID,Коняхін ЮрійORCID


The article is based on the analysis of philosophical, cultural, psychological, and pedagogical scientific approaches, theories, and concepts, and identifies the characteristic features of organisational and pedagogical constructs of the process of forming the professional competence of a future history teacher in the study of specialised disciplines in a higher pedagogical education institution. It is characterised by the essential features of the first organisational and pedagogical construct, namely the content of higher education; the next organisational and pedagogical construct is the establishment of a new generation of teachers; the third organisational and pedagogical construct is the creation of conditions for self-organisation and self-development of future history teachers; the fourth organisational and pedagogical construct is the formation of an individual style of personal pedagogical activity. The author proves that one of the leading qualities of a future history teacher should be the willingness to productive interpersonal and intercultural communication, emotionally balanced behaviour, and positive interaction with all participants of the educational process, by creating a positive emotionally intense creative atmosphere, profound knowledge of methods of self-preservation of both personal mental health and mental health of others. In this context, the professional competence of a future history teacher is treated as the ability to effectively execute their professional functions in the future and is ensured by the training of a particular specialist in a higher education institution, including the recognition of the value of work, the optimal processibility in the performance of future professional functions, professional ethics, and the mastery of self-regulation, self-organisation, and self-development.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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