Алгоритм моніторингу та перегляду освітніх програм у системі внутрішнього забезпечення якості


Красильникова ГаннаORCID,Лопатовський ВікторORCID,Красильников СергійORCID


The article presents an algorithm for monitoring and periodic review of study programs in the university system for quality assurance in higher education. It is proved that the responsibility for quality assurance in higher education is delegated to the institutional level, where the learning process is directly planned, organized and implemented. The procedures and order of monitoring, periodic review and updating of study programs at five organizational levels of the internal quality assurance system (IQAS) are characterized. It was determined that information about stakeholders' satisfaction of the quality of training and their recommendations for further improvement of study programs is collected at the first level of the IQAS. The second level of IQAS (department) is responsible for monitoring the study programs and periodic review based on changes in the legislative framework, taking into account the best pedagogical education of Ukrainian and foreign universities, the results of stakeholder surveys, etc. Responsible persons of the third level of IQAS (faculty) control the deadlines, the process of preparation and completion of procedures for external quality assurance in higher education, periodic review of study programs, curricula, programs of subjects for their compliance with higher education standards, urgent requirements of the labor market, educational needs and the interests of students. At the fourth level of the IQAS, structural units monitor the content of study programs for compliance with the Licensing Requirements for Educational Activities, the regulatory framework of higher education of Ukraine, and the current regulatory university documents. The fifth level of the IQAS is responsible for monitoring compliance with the requirements of the internal quality assurance system, including the academic integrity system at all organizational levels. It is summarized that compliance with the procedure for monitoring and periodic review of study programs will allow the university to achieve strategic goal of providing high-quality educational services to students based on sustainable cooperation with stakeholders.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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