
Shakhov VolodymyrORCID,Shakhov Vladyslav,Mazai LadaORCID


The article elucidates the peculiarities of the professional self-awareness formation of future psychologists in the professional training process in a higher education institution (hereinafter, HEI). On the basis of the conducted empirical research, it was clarified such peculiarities of the formation of professional self-awareness structural components of future psychologists as cognitive, emotional, motivational, and operational during training in HEI. The materials present the main results of mathematical and statistical analysis and interpretation of research results. The revealed trends indicate that the normative process of professional development in HEI is characterized by qualitative and gradual changes in the professional self-awareness of higher education students. In particular, motivational and empathic components are identified as the main components of the studied phenomenon. Moreover, to the presented results of empirical research, in the context of the ecological approach, the problem of social and psychological determinants of the formation of future psychologists' professional self-awareness is highlighted. The identification and inclusion of such determinants in the educational process organization will contribute to the actualization of ecological and psychological mechanisms of students' professional and personal formation. Among the general recommendations for the environmentalization of the professional educational environment in the HEI, the article proposed the practice of mentoring junior students by senior students on the basis of the "equal to equal" principle, as well as providing intervision and supervisory support for future psychologists at the stage of higher professional education.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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