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The article analyzes the state of methodical training of future teachers for the organization of research activities during biology education. The article analyzes model programs "Biology. 7-9 grades" for institutions of general secondary education. The current state of methodical training of future teachers for the organization of research activities during biology education has been clarified. It has been found that the research approach in the education of education seekers is implemented through the study of all educational disciplines, the formation of research biological skills, takes place during the training of professional disciplines, and is consolidated during the training of selective disciplines and practical training. Acquiring research skills by students is one of the priority tasks of modern biological education. Because STEM education is based on the practical, interdisciplinary application of knowledge and skills to solve practical tasks that students face, not only during education, but also in everyday life. Accordingly, training should aim to teach students disciplines in a pleasant and, above all, practical way, since it is a project-based form of training. Higher education should be aimed at awakening the scientific interest of students and developing their ability to solve problems. The purpose of such training is to teach students to apply an interdisciplinary approach during training, to adapt knowledge and skills to real-life problems, to give them more tools for future professional activities. Mastering research skills by students is one of the priority tasks of modern biological education. STEM education is based on the practical, interdisciplinary application of knowledge and skills to solve practical problems faced by students, not only during their studies but also in everyday life. Accordingly, education should aim to teach students disciplines in an enjoyable and, above all, practical way, as it is a project-based form of learning. Higher education should be aimed at awakening students' scientific interest and developing their ability to solve problems. Implementation of these changes will require significant efforts from all participants in the educational process. However, if these efforts are successful, they will contribute to improving the quality of higher education in Ukraine and ensure that higher education students are prepared for successful professional activities in modern society.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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