
Школа ІринаORCID


The article explores the role of augmented reality (AR) as an effective tool of developing speaking skills in English language classes. In the modern world, where technologies intertwine with reality, AR not only emerges as a trend but also stands as a powerful tool for education. By immersing themselves in an interactive environment, students gain a unique opportunity to apply their communication skills in real-life situations, fostering not only increased motivation but also the development of key linguistic abilities. It is noted that the research topic has gained significant popularity abroad in the past decade, yet in the domestic educational segment of English language teaching, it remains on the periphery of scientific investigations. Therefore, the author of the article aims to uncover the potential of AR applications and platforms as effective tools for enhancing students’ speaking skills in English language classes. The article examines mobile AR applications and platforms and proposes specific exercises for the development of speaking skills suitable for use by teachers. The author reveals the immense potential of augmented reality for revolutionizing the teaching of English as a foreign language (EFL), as AR applications seamlessly integrate digital elements into the real environment, offering a unique and immersive learning experience beyond traditional methods. One of the main advantages highlighted in using augmented reality in the context of speaking development is the ability to create immersive scenarios where students find themselves in different situations requiring the use of English for effective communication. For example, they can interact with virtual characters, solve tasks, and engage in role-playing games, contributing to the development of linguistic skills and confidence in oral communication.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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