
Лук’янова ЛарисаORCID,Годлевська КатеринаORCID


The article is devoted to the problem of blended learning, which is increasingly attracting the attention of both domestic and foreign researchers and practicing educators. Taking into account the challenges of globalization, which have directly affected the education system, the problem of applying pedagogical practices that enable the combination of different formats of education has become extremely relevant. In particular, it is about the combination of face-to-face learning with various formats of electronic learning (asynchronous and/or synchronous), which is the essence of blended learning. Currently, the support and further implementation of blended learning in the educational process of higher education are quite complicated. Among other problems, the authors of the article single out the lack of a clear definition of the essence of blended learning and the incomplete readiness (methodological, technological and technical) of the pedagogical staff for the implementation of the blended learning model in practice. The article is devoted to the theoretical-methodological (contextual) analysis of the concept of "blended learning", the definition of its polysemic essence based on the study of domestic and foreign scientific sources and the identification of prospects for implementation in modern domestic and foreign educational practice. It was determined that currently blended learning is usually interpreted as a model, technology, method or a special process of acquiring knowledge. Essential features were analyzed; the main components of combined training are defined. The most typical definitions of blended learning are systematized, the essence of which is represented by the first words of the definition: unifying method, model, technology, methodology, teaching method, a type of hybrid methodology, purposeful process of acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities, educational concept, training, teaching system It is substantiated that, despite the indisputable advantages, there are certain challenges - both objective and subjective - that stand in the way of the implementation of blended learning.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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