Роль академічної доброчесності у навчанні студентів спеціальності «Музичне мистецтво»


Кифенко АннаORCID,Сопова ДанаORCID


The article examines the role of academic integrity in the context of university education and training of future specialists in the field of musical art. The authors reveal the essence of the concept of academic integrity and its importance for the formation of competent students and musicians. The attitude towards plagiarism of students majoring in "Musical Art" was analyzed. The article indicates an increase in cases of violations of the principles of academic integrity in the educational activities of Ukrainian institutions of higher education. The authors highlight the European experience in the formation of ethical competence of future specialists in the field of musical art as an example for overcoming the problems of academic dishonesty, such as copying, plagiarism and illegitimate obtaining of grades. Academic integrity, defined as a high degree of honesty and ethics in the educational process, becomes an important component of the training of specialists in the "Musical Art" specialty. The modern stage of formation of higher music education determines the importance of values that guide students on the way to mastery in art. Academic integrity acts not only as a norm of behavior, but also as a mechanism for the formation of high standards and responsibility. Art students, by adhering to the principles of academic integrity, not only demonstrate their dignity, but also uphold ethical standards in the artistic environment. It has been proven that academic integrity is a set of rules defined by legislation and moral and ethical principles that must be followed by all participants in the educational process. It has been proven that academic integrity is a moral and ethical category based on established norms and rules of behavior of a scientist, which guarantee freedom in the performance of educational and research tasks of students of art specialties.


Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University

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