1. Paradise reforged: a history of the New Zealanders from the 1880s to the year 2000 Belich James (2001). . Honolulu, University of Hawai’i press.
2. The Maori as he was: a brief account of Maori life as it was in pre-European days Best Elsdon (1952 [1924]). . Wellington, R.E. Owen.
3. English-Maori, Maori-English Dictionary Biggs Bruce (2012). . Auckland, Auckland University Press.
4. Nga Morehu/The Survivors: The Life Histories of Eight Maori Women Binney Judith, Chaplin Gillian (2004). . Auckland, Auckland University Press.
5. The Coming of the Maori Buck Hiroa Sir Peter Te Rangi (1958 [1949]). . Auckland, Whitcombe and Tombs Ltd.