1. J. Scott Worley, MA, OTR/L, is Associate Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, School of Allied Health Sciences, East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina 27858
2. Nan Harmon, MS, OTR/L, is Occupational Therapist, Spectrum Center, Bethesda, Maryland. At the time of this study, she was Staff Therapist, Department of Occupational Therapy, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, North Carolina
3. Georganna J. Miller, MEd, OTR/L, is Assistant Professor and Academic Fieldwork Coordinator, Department of Occupational Therapy, Xavier University, Cincinnati, Ohio
4. Sharon Bowen Hollis, OTR/L, is Staff Therapist, Department of Occupational Therapy, Pitt County Memorial Hospital, Greenville, North Carolina
5. Sue Harlow, OTR/L, is Supervisor, Occupational Therapy, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio
6. Vickie Briggs, OTR/L, is Occupational Therapist, Bethesda Montgomery Center, Cincinnati, Ohio. At the time of this study, she was Staff Therapist, Occupational Therapy, Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio