1. Grace Reifenberg, BS, is Student Research Assistant, Child & Adolescent Health, Rehabilitation, & Evaluation (CAHRE) Lab, The Ohio State University, Columbus
2. Gabrielle Gabrosek, BA, is Student Research Assistant, CAHRE Lab, The Ohio State University, Columbus
3. Kelly Tanner, PhD, OTR/L, is Director of Occupational Therapy Research, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, OH
4. Karen Harpster, PhD, OTR/L, is Director of Occupational Therapy Research, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH
5. Rachel Proffitt, OTD, OTR/L, is Assistant Professor, Department of Occupational Therapy, University of Missouri, Columbia
6. Andrew Persch, PhD, OTR/L, BCP, is Director, CAHRE Lab, and Assistant Professor, Division of Occupational Therapy, The Ohio State University, Columbus; andrew.persch@osumc.edu