The end of patent extensions and the Productive Development Partnerships: effects on access to medicines in Brazil


Lopes Luciana de Melo Nunes1ORCID,Andrade Eli Iola Gurgel de1ORCID,Borde Elis Mina Seraya1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brasil


Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has shed light on the negative impact of intellectual property on health and has given new relevance to the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality 5529/DF, which was ruled by the Supreme Court in 2021, resulting in the extinction of automatic patent extensions in Brazil. This documentary case study analyzes the effects of the judicial decision on patent applications and patents of interest for Productive Development Partnerships (PDP), investigating the progress of 90 patent applications related to 15 PDPs drugs of interest until Decembre 31, 2020. Variables for comparing the drug patent scenario with that of the PDPs were researched on the websites of the National Institute of Industrial Property, the Ministry of Health, ANVISA, and the Brazilian Medicines Market Regulation Chamber. Of 88 valid applications, 28 patents were granted, 17 of which had been extended to more than 20 years (24 years and 09 months average). The court decision resulted in a loss of over 68 years of monopoly, potentially opening alternatives for generic production. This resumption of the PDP policy should incorporate strategies to overcome patent barriers.



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4. Recomendação nº 029, de 20 de outubro de 2022,2022

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