1. Universidade Estadual do Centro Oeste, Brasil
2. Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul, Brasil
3. Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná, Brasil
ABSTRACT Objective to identify the prevalence of chronic critical disease and associated factors in patients hospitalized for trauma in the Intensive Care Unit. Method case-control study, with data from medical records of adults hospitalized for trauma in an Intensive Care Unit, between 2013 and 2019. Data were collected from the patient admission book, the electroni cmedical records and the records of the Hospital Infection Control Service. The dependent variable was the occurrence of chronic critical disease, and the independent variables were related to sociodemographic characteristics, comorbidities, trauma, pre-hospital care, prognostic indices, procedures and complications. Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed, which estimated the Ods Ratio (OR) and respective confidence intervals (CI). Results chronic critical disease occurred in 150 patients (24.2%), of the 619 patients studied. The factors associated with CCD were organic dysfunction (OR=1.09) and gastrointestinal complications (OR=2.71). Patients with chronic critical disease, in addition to proseeding for surgical procedures, developed organic dysfunctions in different systems, presenting high scores in prognostic indexes, i.e., a worse prognosis, in addition to developing complications. Conclusion the identification of gastrointestinal complications and the increase in organic dysfunction as factors associated with chronic critical patients become useful to compose the clinical profile of patients and to plan intensive care for the traumatized patients, thus contributing to the prevention and management of these patients by nurses.