1. Universidade Estadual do Ceará, Brasil
ABSTRACT Objective to describe the process corresponding to the design, prototyping and co-implementation of a care-educational app prototype for vulnerable people with heart failure, their family members/caregivers and the health team. Method a methodological study with five phases: Construct, Design, Prototyping, Co-implementation and Adaptation, all performed from September 2020 to July 2021. The Codesign team involved 72 actors (15 patients with HF, 19 family members/caregivers, 35 health professionals, two researchers and a designer and developer), who contributed with linguistic and visual data. Results the InCare® prototype was produced, represented by the flowchart corresponding to the user's interaction and structural sketches. Colors were defined to compose the screens and the prototype resources were chosen, outlining the description, proposal and functional requirements. The app involved relevant themes (definition of the disease and vulnerability, etiology, classification, signs and symptoms, daily care measures and palliative approaches, treatments, diet, physical activity and support networks, benefits) and gathered functionalities according to the team's needs and preferences, being considered innovative and encouraging for self-care. Conclusion codesign allowed designing resources, contents, screen sketches, user flow, prototyping and prototype name, in a creative and participatory process to promote the health of people with heart failure in vulnerable health situations.