Rosemary extract and celery-based products used as natural quality enhancers for colonial type salami with different ripening times


Bertol Teresinha Marisa1,Fiorentini Angela Maria2,Santos Maria José Honorato dos3,Sawitzki Maristela Cortez4,Kawski Vicky Lilge1,Agnes Ingrid Beatriz Lermen5,Costa Camila Dalla5,Coldebella Arlei1,Lopes Letícia dos Santos1


1. Embrapa Suínos e Aves, Brasil

2. Universidade Federal de Pelotas, Brasil

3. Associação de Pequenos Agricultores do Oeste Catarinense, Brasil

4. Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brasil

5. Universidade do Contestado, Brasil


This study aimed to evaluate the use of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) extract (RE), celery (Apium graveolis), and low levels of NO3 and NO2 as natural agents to enhance the quality of colonial salami. Salami was produced according to three treatments: (A) Control: 0.1% curing salt; (B) Rosemary: 0.05% curing salt + 0.5% RE (rosemary extract); and (C) Rosemary+celery: 0.14% Veg 503 + 0.27% Veg 504 (sea salt plus celery) + 0.5% of RE (rosemary extract). There was no effect (P > 0.05) of the treatments on water activity, Na content, and residual NO3 and NO2. Fatty acids C18:2 and C20:4 were reduced (P < 0.05) during the ripening period in the Control treatment indicating possible oxidation. The use of celery resulted in lower pH values (P < 0.05) in the salami. Reduced addition of NO3 and NO2 resulted in salami lighter in color (higher L* values, P < 0.05) at the 12th day of ripening. In conclusion, celery-based products proved to be an effective source of NO2 and NO3 for color development, but the low pH of the product indicates the need for better evaluation of its use in fermented salami. The RE (rosemary extract) reduced fat oxidation in salami, but this needs further evaluation.




Food Science,Biotechnology

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