1. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil
ABSTRACT To verify the effect of word retrieval therapy on a patient with expressive aphasia. A forty-seven year-old, male, with 8 years of schooling, with complaints about not saying words after two ischemic stroke on the left hemisphere, participated in this study. The Montreal-Toulouse-Language Assessment Battery (MTL-BR), Brief Neuropsychological Assessment Instrument (NEUPSILIN-Af), Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Functional Assessment Communication Skills scale (ASHA-FACS) were used pre- and post-therapy. A baseline test with 50 words, 25 nouns and 25 verbs was applied to obtain data regarding naming ability. The sessions occurred twice a week, for 50 minutes. The intervention was based on a set of 25 images of nouns and verbs, in oral and written modalities during six sessions, for each category. On the three final sessions, 10 figures of nouns and 10 figures of verbs were added in sentences. In the post-therapy, the final baseline showed an increase in vocabulary of nouns and verbs. In the pos-intervention evaluation, the patient had an improvement in some tasks of MTL-BR battery, NEUPSILIN-Af tasks. Improvement in the social communication and daily planning aspects were reported in the ASHA-FACS. In conclusion, the word retrieval therapy was effective in this case, because there was an increase of the vocabulary and improvement in several linguistic, communicative and cognitive aspects.
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