An external tag for fish: tagging effects in different fish size classes and its influence on growth performance and hematology of Lophiosilurus alexandri (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae)


Boaventura Túlio P.1ORCID,Gil Viviane S. B.1ORCID,Gil Camila S. B.2ORCID,Peres Anderson M.1ORCID,Luz Ronald K.1ORCID


1. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil

2. Fundação Comunitária de Ensino Superior de Itabira, Brazil


ABSTRACT This study tested an external tag for juveniles of Lophiosilurus alexandri and measured the effects of tagging in different size classes of fishes. Experiment 1 evaluated the retention rate and influence of the tag on survival and growth of three hundred fishes divided Small, Medium and Large size classes. After 90 days of experiment the fishes had 100% survival and the tag had a higher retention rate for animals of the Large size class. Experiment 2 evaluated the tag’s influence on hematology parameters of forty-two fishes at 5, 10 and 30 days post-tagging. In this experiment both tagged and untagged animals experienced 9.4% mortality. The hematocrit was higher on the 30th day for tagged animals than for untagged animals. No difference was observed for leukocytes, plasma protein, erythrocytes and mean corpuscular volume. It was concluded from Experiment 1 that the tag reduced growth performance when applied to small sized juvenile L. alexandri, and that the tag retention rate increased with increasing animal size. Among the hematological parameters studied for juveniles on the Experiment 2 the tag only influenced the hematocrit parameters, which shows that the tag can be used without considerable influence on the hematological parameters of juvenile L. alexandri.




Aquatic Science,Animal Science and Zoology,Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

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