Movements of permanent health education triggered by the training of facilitators


Fortuna Cinira Magali1,Franceschini Trude Ribeiro da Costa2,Mishima Silvana Martins1,Matumoto Silvia1,Pereira Maria José Bistafa1


1. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

2. Secretaria Municipal da Saúde de Ribeirão Preto, Brazil


This study mapped the movements of Permanent Health Education in the region of Araraquara, São Paulo, Brazil, begun by the Permanent Health Education Facilitators program, promoted by the Ministry of Health and the National School of Public Health. This qualitative study was grounded on the theoretical framework of institutional and schizoanalysis. Data were collected from operative groups of individuals who finished the program. The results were grouped into two plans: micropolitics and organization. Micropolitics indicates the production of different concepts concerning permanent education and different ways to establish it. Autonomy and control and also a tenuous relationship between tutorship and autonomy were highlighted, in the plan of organization. In conclusion, the program was an important device that suffered captures/overcoding but also produced changes in practice.




General Nursing

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