What do black patients expect from orthodontic treatment? The aesthetic perception of facial profile between orthodontists and black laypersons


SOUZA Denise Bitencourt de1ORCID,OLIVEIRA Adriana Ismerim1ORCID,GOUVÊA Giovana Renata1ORCID,SANTAMARIA-JR Milton1ORCID


1. Fundação Hermínio Ometto, Brazil


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the influence of anteroposterior position of the soft tissue on facial attractiveness in black people, and compare the perception of aesthetics and satisfaction between orthodontists and black laypersons. Methods: The sample was composed of 69 orthodontists and 69 laypersons of black ethnicity (n=138). Facial profile photographs of two black volunteers, a man and a woman, were digitally manipulated to change the position of the lips and chin, by making gradual changes of 4mm in relation to the true vertical line, simulating advance or retrusion of the soft tissues by -2, -6, -10, +2, +6, +10mm, totalling six images per sex. The photographs were classified by the research participants using a visual analogue scale (VAS), from 0 (unpleasant) to 100 (pleasant). The results were analyzed by generalized linear model and by the Fisher’s exact test, considering the level of significance of 5%. Results: The orthodontists and black laypersons considered straight profiles the most pleasant. The two groups classified the male profile as being more unpleasant in comparison with the female facial profile, which was concave. When evaluating all the images together, the image most indicated as being the most pleasant, once again, was the one with the straight profile, for both sexes. Conclusion: The influence of orthodontists’ and laypersons’ aesthetic perception on evaluating the facial profile of blacks was similar. The straight profile was classified as the most pleasant and the concave, as the most unpleasant.




Oral Surgery,Orthodontics

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