1. Universidade Luterana do Brasil, Brazil
Abstract Objective: to describe sociodemographic and family relationships, health status, depression and degree of functional capacity in institutionalized elderly persons in eleven long-term care facilities for the elderly in the north coastal region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out of 60 institutionalized elderly persons without cognitive impairment, confirmed by a score greater than 13 in the Mini Mental State Exam. Questionnaires were used to obtain data on sociodemographic conditions, family relationships, and self-perception of health. Functional capacity was evaluated with the Barthel Index and the Geriatric Depression Scale was applied. Results: A predominance of women, widowed and single, with a of low level of education and precarious financial status, most of whom who did not have children, was observed. The elderly persons complained about difficulty walking (38.3%), generalized pain (16.7%) and vision problems (13.3%). The majority (95%) reported suffering from two to three chronic diseases and making daily use of three or more drugs. Although 55% of the participants presented depressive symptoms and morbidity, they reported functional independence and 50% rated their health as good. Conclusions: These data contributed to the knowledge of the health status and functional capacity of these institutionalized elderly persons, aiming to improve the care provided to this public.
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8 articles.