1. Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2. Universidade Federal do Agreste de Pernambuco, Brazil
ABSTRACT The objectives of this work were to characterize the histo-anatomical pattern and degradability and to determine the secondary compounds of maniçoba in the different accessions and maturation stages (young, mature and senescent). For the research, three accessions were selected (AC002, AC004 and AC038) from the municipalities of Barra de Santa Rosa, Monteiro and Boa Vista, respectively, which showed distinct genetic characteristics, such as morphological and agronomic characteristics, chemical composition and hydrocyanic acid content. The leaf blades showed a cuticle that covers the entire epidermis, with papillose cells in the abaxial region and in a tabular shape in the adaxial region. The cells on the abaxial side are thinner than on the adaxial side. In the phytochemical screening of maniçoba leaves, the presence of steroids, tannins, flavonoids and saponins was observed. The leaves of maniçoba (Manihot ssp.) showed absence of alkaloids in all stages and accessions evaluated. All accessions evaluated showed positivity for the presence of steroids, with superiority in accession 04 in all stages, while for the other accessions it decreased with the maturation of the plant, especially in accession 02. The presence and concentration of secondary metabolites vary between accessions and maturation stages.
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences