1. University of Malaya, Malaysia
2. National Sports Institute of Malaysia, Malaysia
ABSTRACT Introduction: Participation in sport among university athletes in Malaysia has progressed right up to Olympic level. However, some of these athletes are prevented from competing due to injuries. Ankle injuries, in particular, are among the common types of injury. Even so, there is still lack of local data and research describing the incidence of ankle injuries. Objectives: To determine peroneus longus muscle activity in different taped ankles and positions among subjects with functional ankle instability (FAI). Methods: Twenty-three subjects with ankle instability (AJFAT score > 26) volunteered to take part in the study. The subjects were tested under three conditions; 1) no tape (NT), 2) Kinesio(r) tape (KT), and 3) rigid tape (RT). The subjects completed two postural stability tests, followed by a sudden inversion perturbation test with EMG, recording throughout the procedures. The EMG data were analyzed, filtered, full-wave rectified and normalized. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (Independent T-test and ANOVA) to evaluate differences in peak muscle activation (mV) and peroneal latency (ms). Results: Peak muscle activation of the peroneus was activated more in the RT group during both the Static and Dynamic Stability Tests. Apart from that, there were no statistically significant differences. During sudden inversion perturbation, the RT group was the one that was most activated (p=0.001). Peroneal latency was even delayed in KT and RT during the three tests, and shorter in the NT group. There were significant differences during the Dynamic Stability Test, between the NT and KT groups (p=0.001) and between the NT, RT and KT groups (p=0.001). Conclusion: RT tape may enhance the peroneus longus response by maintaining a higher level of muscle activation, especially during dynamic movements and sudden inversion of the ankle, and may selectively benefit individuals with FAI. The KT ankle did not show superior effect to the NT ankle, and demonstrated minimal benefit when used in FAI. Also, its use may be more likely to cause reinjury to the ankle.
Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation,Orthopedics and Sports Medicine
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6 articles.