1. Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Brazil
ABSTRACT Objective: This study aimed to create and validate an instrument to measure pediatric residents’ knowledge about development and behavior. Methods: This was a longitudinal study with the consecutive application of questionnaires to validate an instrument of analysis. The modified Delphi technique was used for validation, which involved judges who were selected based on their expertise. Judges, who were renowned for their knowledge of the subject and willing to participate, were chosen from different states of Brazil. A convenience sample was obtained. The original questionnaire included 45 open questions divided into 13 relevant thematic axes on development and behavior. Results: After the third round using the Delphi technique, the whole questionnaire had a validity index of more than 80% on scope and relevance as well as all thematic axes, and the 44 final questions. Conclusions: The whole questionnaire was considered validated by the 14 expert judges who participated in the study.
Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health