1. Diponegoro University, Indonesia
Abstract Well-known as a food additive, glucomannan has excellent biocompatibility and biodegradability properties. However, glucomannan is easily gelled, which limited its use in high concentration. To reduce the gel formation ability of glucomannan, acetylation was conducted. This work aims to study the effect of acetylation on physicochemical properties of glucomannan. Acetylation was performed in heterogeneous system which glucomannan was immersed in ethanol (96%) with various concentrations of glucomannan (5-25%) and acetic acid (5-99%). This modified glucomannan was subsequently used as an encapsulation matrix for producing iron beads. The results showed that higher concentration of acetic acid in acetylation impacted on higher solubility and viscosity of glucomannan. The transmittance intensity of Infrared (IR) spectra and morphology of glucomannan were changed due to the acetylation and encapsulation process. The highest viscosity of the matrix (484.33 cP) led to the highest Encapsulation Yield (EY) (53.3%). Gompertz’s model fitted to describe the release profile of iron in all samples (R2>0.92) that showed the burst phenomena in the initial release. This work found that acetylated glucomannan had higher solubility and has a potency to protect the iron taste during oral consumption as it releases slower in neutral pH solution.