Precompression stress and compression index depend on the property used to represent the soil deformation in the compression curve


Gubiani Paulo Ivonir1,Jong Van Lier Quirijn de2,Reichert José Miguel1,Goulart Rafael Ziani3,Fontanela Eracilda4


1. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil

2. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

3. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha, Brasil

4. Universidade Federal do Pampa, Brazil


ABSTRACT: During linear deformation (h) in a soil sample, the variation of the void ratio with respect to deformation (dε/dh) and the respective variation of soil bulk density (dρ/dh) are identical only for a specific value of h. Consequently, if two compression curves are drawn for the same soil sample, one using ρ and the other using ε, there are differences in both the calculated precompression stress (σp) and compression index (Ic). In this study, we highlight the causes by a mathematical analysis and an experimental investigation, quantifying the differences in σp and Ic when using ε and ρ. σp and Ic were calculated for 103 compression curves of an ultisol and 193 of an oxisol. The σp (kPa) using ρ (σpρ) was greater than when using ε (σpε), and differences were rather independent of the soil type. The relations found by linear regression relating σpρ to σpε were σpρ=0.8186σpε+34.202 for the ultisol and σpρ=0.8878σpε+34.875 for the oxisol. In contrast, the used soil property (ρ or ε) as well as soil type affected Ic. Ic calculated using ρ was greater than when using ε in almost all (96%) of the cases for the ultisol, and in only 12% of the cases for the oxisol. For a wide range of ρ, evidence from this study indicated that the use of ρ overestimates σp when compared to the use of ε.



Reference14 articles.







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