Violence suffered by Venezuelan immigrant female sex workers: an intersectional view


Arruda-Barbosa Loeste de1ORCID,Menegatti Mariana Sbeghen2ORCID,Fonseca Rosa Maria Godoy Serpa da2ORCID,Oliveira Maria Amélia de Campos2ORCID


1. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil; Universidade Estadual de Roraima, Brazil

2. Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil


ABSTRACT Objective: To characterize and analyze violence committed against Venezuelan immigrant female sex workers, from the perspective of an intersectional look at social class, gender and race-ethnicity. Method: Exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Data sources: interviews with 15 Venezuelan immigrant women sex workers and 37 Brazilian online media reports that addressed the topic. Data were submitted to thematic content analysis, with the support of Qualitative Data Analysis (WebQDA) software. Results: Thematic analysis of data from reports and interviews allowed the emergence of three empirical categories: Structural violence and reasons that led to prostitution: a question of social class; Among the forms of violence, the most feared: physical violence; Violence based on gender and race-ethnicity. Conclusion: The study made it possible to recognize that Venezuelan immigrant women who are sex workers in Brazil are subject to different types of violence and exploitation. This scenario is due to a reality of life and work that is based on the exploitation of female workers who experience the consequences of the interweaving of subalternities characteristic of their social insertion of class, gender and race-ethnicity.



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