1. University of Passo Fundo, Brazil
This study evaluated the use de standards in papers published in Brazilian and international dental journals. Papers published from January 2006 to December 2010 in the following journals were examined: Brazilian Dental Journal (BDJ), Brazilian Oral Research (BOR), Journal of Applied Oral Sciences (JAOS), Journal of Dental Research (JDR) and Dental Materials (DM). In addition to the title and type of study, issue, volume and year of publication, the following information was recorded from each paper: identification of any standard reported in the study; in case of no reported standard, indication if a standard could be used in the study. A total of 3,046 papers were examined, being 937 from DM, 936 from JDR, 489 from JAOS, 348 from BDJ, and 336 from BOR. Considering the papers that could use some standard, DM showed the highest percentage (24.9%) of reporting standards/paper, followed by JAOS (10.3%), BOR (10.1%), BDJ (6.3%) and JDR (2.4%), meaning for example that, from 936 papers examined from the JDR, 623 could use some standard but only 15 papers reported them. From all papers examined, 309 (10.1%) reported using some standard. The ISO standards were mostly reported (57.8%), followed by ASTM standards (23.7%) and 74 (18.5%) standards from other international organizations (e.g. ADA and CIE). Despite of the high impact factors of the selected dental journals, their published papers could use standards more often. This study should assist journal editors to encourage authors to consult and refer to available standards to support the scientific papers.
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9 articles.